Nouvellement arrivés chez Hell For Breakfast, Super Punk rassemble les membres de Guerilla Poubelle (ex), Fortune Cookie Club et Kamakazi pour éduquer les masses avec « Kim Jong Goes to Cégep ».Digne du stock « old school » de Blink-182 ou de Sum 41, les mélodies de Super Punk sont courtes, accrocheuses, percutantes et, surtout, nostalgiques. « Kim Jong Goes to Cégep » pourrait parfaitement correspondre à la bande-sonore d’un film style American Pie meets Lords of Dogtown, et chacune des chansons y trouverait sa place!Attention, nous ne sommes pas responsables si après avoir écouté l’album, vous avez une soudaine envie de remonter sur votre skate, vous rendre à la pizzeria du coin et faire des moshpits entre chums!
////Fresh off the diner table from Hell for Breakfast comes the debut album from Super Punk. This super band brings together members of Guerilla Poubelle (ex), Fortune Cookie Club, and Kamakazi to educate the masses with “Kim Jong Goes to Cégep.”You could take this whole album and write a coming-of-age skate punk movie à la American Pie meets Lords of Dogtown (and the associated documentary), and every song would hit the mark. With just the right ratio of campy elements, sound effects, and funny ad libs to racing riffs and smashing drums, Super Punk delivers exactly what your inner pop punk teen was searching for in a sea of perfectly mastered pop princesses. They masterfully blended the in-your-face, loud, repetition of bands like The Ramones and The Clash with the melody and vocals from the early 2000s (when we all unanimously were “going through it”, and Sum 41, Good Charlotte and Blink-182 were the only ones putting our thoughts into songs).The incredible thing about punk music is that no matter what language you speak, you can feel and be moved by the music. Super Punk’s album sets this 22-song course on the table over 30 minutes and it is so good that even the most anglophone can scream the lyrics.For punks, the beauty really is in the chaos and the simplicity of being loud, aggressive, and a little (a lot) crazy – and in 2020, what could we need more than an album that brings us just that.